Nolvadex Bodybuilding Review: Everything You Need to Know About the Drug

Nolvadex Bodybuilding Review: Everything You Need to Know About the Drug

As we will see, Nolvadex is quite selective in its targeting of breast tissue, making it useful both medically and for steroid users concerned about certain adverse effects. As a result, Nolvadex is known as a “selective” treatment, referring to the fact that the drugs in this family only affect certain regions of the body.

What is Nolvadex?

Nolvadex’s chemical ingredient and generic name is Tamoxifen Citrate. It is available in tablet form in dosages of 10mg or 20mg per tablet. This is a prescription-only medication that cannot be acquired without one.

Nolvadex was originally created as a breast cancer therapy drug, and as expected, it plays an important role in decreasing estrogen levels, so preventing cancer progression.

It achieves this by connecting to estrogen receptors in that area of the body, preventing estrogen from binding, and lowering or eliminating estrogen’s action on breast tissue. It just so happens that men who use anabolic steroids want this exact effect: to halt breast tissue growth caused by increased estrogen action.

Nolvadex has no direct influence on the body’s estrogen levels. Instead, it binds to specific estrogen receptors, blocking the estrogen from attaching and hence from working normally. While Nolvadex is very helpful in the breast area, it can also be an estrogen agonist in other parts of the body, which means it can act like estrogen, primarily harming the liver.

However, before you get concerned about estrogen activity, bear in mind that some estrogenic activity in the liver has a benefit for cholesterol, and with some steroids having a negative effect on cholesterol, this added benefit of Nolvadex is welcomed by steroid users.

Read also about When do I start using Nolvadex

How is Nolvadex Used For Post Cycle Therapy?

How is Nolvadex Used For Post Cycle Therapy?

Nolvadex is commonly used in post-cycle therapy to increase natural testosterone levels after anabolic steroid use has decreased them.

Nolvadex is well-known for its ability to boost testosterone while restricting estrogen’s impact, allowing the pituitary gland to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH).

This hormone is necessary for testosterone production, and Nolvadex excels at restarting regular testosterone function so you may avoid the symptoms of low T and retain your cycle gains.

Most users will require 4 weeks of Nolvadex for PCT, however longer or stronger steroid cycles may necessitate 8 weeks of post-cycle therapy combining Nolvadex with other medications such as aromatase inhibitors.

While it may be tempting for new users to exceed the maximum recommended dose of 20mg per day during post cycle therapy, it has been proven that doing so has no effect on testosterone levels. An aromatase inhibitor and HCG are commonly administered with Nolvadex during post cycle therapy to cover all bases.

See nolvadex dosage for pct

Benefits of Using Nolvadex

We now know what Nolvadex is and how it can help with gynecomastia.

We’ll now go through some of the most typical benefits of using Nolvadex as part of your PCT regimen.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of using Nolvadex:

  1. Prevents gynecological issues.

Yes, we just talked about how Nolvadex can help you avoid gynecomastia. However, because it is one of the key advantages, we believe it is worth repeating.

The abnormal development of male breast tissue is known as gynecomastia. It is characterized by nipple pain in mild cases, but in severe cases, fatty deposits resembling breast tissue occur. Nolvadex is one of the best PCTs to utilize, and it is unequaled when it comes to preventing and/or treating gyno.

  1. Hormone Balance is Restored

However, the main reason people perform PCT after a steroid cycle is to restore hormone levels to pre-steroid levels.

Steroids are testosterone mimics that work similarly to testosterone. The issue is that when you use steroids, your testosterone levels will be far higher than they would be otherwise.

Even if your body naturally produced a lot of testosterone. When the body recognizes elevated testosterone levels, it assumes it is producing too much. As a result, it panics and switches off all testosterone production in the testes in order to defend itself from further harm.

When utilizing steroids, this is allowed because your testosterone levels will be extremely high.

However, after you come off cycle, your testes are typically unable to produce any more testosterone. If men do not do PCT after a steroid cycle, they may be compelled to see a doctor and receive testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their lives.

PCT works by restoring your hormone levels to where they were before to beginning to use steroids.

  1. Easy to Use

Although Nolvadex is frequently used during or near the end of a steroid cycle, it is more easier to take than other steroids. There are no painful injections to contend with; simply swallow the tablets like a headache tablet or vitamin supplement.

Needless to say, there are far fewer risks with taking a tablet than with inserting a sharp needle into your body.

  1. Stress-Relieving

After completing a steroid cycle, cortisol levels in the body are typically elevated. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes anxiety and tension. It might weaken your immune system, cause spots and blemishes, and even make you melancholy.

Cortisol normally inhibits testosterone production. Too much cortisol in the body is obviously undesirable, and this is where Nolvadex can help.

Nolva can help to relieve stress and promote rest and relaxation by preventing cortisol production.

Nolvadex: Possible Side Effects

Nolvadex: Possible Side Effects

The majority of the side effects of Nolvadex have been connected to its use as a breast cancer treatment SERM for women. However, because it has been used by male anabolic steroid users for a long time, there is enough anecdotal evidence and personal experience to highlight some of the negative effects that are typical in guys. For the sake of this essay, we will not discuss the negative effects of Nolvadex for women who are taking medication to treat breast cancer.

Not only does the medication affect the female body differently, but when taken as cancer medication, it is used for a much longer amount of time than when used by men to reduce estrogen side effects when on steroids or during post cycle therapy. As a result, the long-term negative effects of Nolvadex use aren’t particularly concerning.

So, what are some of the long-term side effects to be mindful of when using Nolvadex, either during the cycle or after it?

  1. Acne – While it is not the most common adverse effect of Nolvadex, it is regarded the most likely. This is because your testosterone levels will start to rise, and acne is merely a natural side effect of rising testosterone levels in some men; not all guys are predisposed to acne, and if you aren’t, you’re unlikely to suffer this side effect.
  2. Nausea or stomach cramping – Although conceivable, this is an exceedingly unusual side effect of Nolvadex that the vast majority of men will never experience.

Cognitive impairment, hot flashes, and even other types of cancer are side effects of Nolvadex for cancer medicine; nevertheless, they are not recognized as a danger factor for males using this drug for performance enhancement objectives.

The simplest way to prevent or eliminate the possibility of long-term Nolvadex side effects is to keep the dosage at a safe range.

Nolvadex Dosage Recommendations

Nolvadex is used during a steroid cycle to avoid male breast tissue enlargement, often known as gynecomastia. Any anabolic-androgenic drugs you consume that have aromatizing effects will necessitate gyno therapy, and Nolvadex is a low-cost, simple, and safe option.

It just takes a low dose of Nolvadex (10mg to 20mg per day) to protect against gyno since it binds to estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, blocking estrogen from acting. If the aromatizing effect of the steroids you’re taking is too high for Nolvadex to work at this dose, aromatase inhibitors will almost certainly be required.

Dosage For Women 

When women take Nolvadex for performance enhancement, it is typically used for just that: to enhance performance as a result of elevated testosterone levels. This may make Nolvadex a viable alternative for women who do not want the more potent effects of steroids, which can lead to masculinization.

In addition to performance enhancement, women can use Nolvadex to improve their bodies, resulting in a leaner and tighter physique without the risks associated with steroids. Females only need a small amount of Nolvadex. 10mg per day is usually more than enough.

Where Can I Buy Nolvadex?

Tamoxifen citrate is widely available and can be purchased in nearly every developed country on the planet. Indeed, if you have a prescription, you may be able to get it over the counter.

The drug is also extensively available on the black market. Given its low price and widespread availability, the counterfeit product does not appear to be a serious threat.


Nolvadex is a female breast cancer therapy medication that reduces estrogen and aids in the restoration of testosterone levels. It is usually used in tandem with Clomid. Because Nolvadex has less negative effects than Clomid, it is a popular choice, and most steroid users will use it for PCT for 4-8 weeks.

Fitness Trackers – Are They For You?

How do you track your training sessions? At worst I’m hoping you have a notebook to record your loads, weights, reps, sets, rest breaks etc and be able to refer to this information from one workout to the next.A training journal is a necessity for those seeking the best results.

A training journal is a necessity for those seeking the best results.

With something as simple as bringing a notebook to the gym you’d think everyone would do at least this much. it doesn’t cost anything and takes no extra time or effort. You can make all your entries during a rest break or immediately after training.

But besides going old school and low-budget with a journal there a number of fitness trackers which will monitor and record everything from heart rate intensity and averages, caloric output and even sleep cycles at night.

Recently, a study at the Iowa State looked at the accuracy of 7 different fitness trackers. Researchers looked at BodyMedia FIT, DirectLife, Fitbit One, Fitbit Zip, Jawbone UP band, Nike+ Fuel Band and the Basis B1 Band. BodyMedit Fit and the Fitbit Zip were found to be most accurate. And in a related story Nike may be killing off its fuel band in the near future.

But back to the point of gadgets to track your caloric output I have never really been sold on them. I’ll admit there are benefits to knowing what your heart rate data is and to monitoring the length of your workouts. However when you think about it these type of products are usually favoured by those with a few pounds to spare.

And my concern is that individuals tracking how many calories they burned at Zumba or spin class will then see this as a credit to indulge later. For example, if a fitness tracker shows that I burned 473 calories sweating to the oldies can I then rationalize a 300 calorie treat later in the day? And does knowing how much I burned influence why decision to indulge and have a treat later that day?

To me it’s kind of like starting a new job. Most people know what they are to be paid. Yet they still wait to actually receive the cheque in their hands before they go out and spend what they know they’ve earned. Until they have the confirmation of how much is coming off for dues, taxes, insurance and everything else they may be reluctant to go out and spend by assuming their new paycheque will cover what they buy.

Case in point…once people have have a job for some time they may know exactly how much they will receive on each cheque and then spend accordingly. They know not only how much they can spend but when payday is and how long the wait is until they can spend again.

Nutrition and creating a caloric deficit probably works in similar way. If we know exactly how many calories we have burned we may feel justified or even entitled to bigger and more frequent indulgences.

The problem then becomes one of accuracy. If we are using one of the less than accurate fitness trackers we may be over-estimating our caloric output. If the best devices were 10% off then how inaccurate were the less accurate ones? 15%? 25%?

Imagine for a second if you were using a less accurate fitness tracker that displayed 500 calories burned for a workout. And then you decide you can have a treat that is only 380 calories. You are still 120 calories ahead, got in your training session and were able to enjoy life by having a treat. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

But let’s back up for a second. If your fitness tracker was 20% off in its accuracy than that means you really only burned 400 calories instead of 500. And if the restaurant that prepares your treat makes it a little differently than advertised you may end up with more than 380 calories as expected.

Now not only is your training a wash when you factor in your treat but you also no longer have  a 120 calorie credit left over from believing you burned 500 calories. And how do people behave when there is surplus? They spend it as quickly as they can! Nobody invests extra money from a tax return or a bonus at work. No way! This is free money to do whatever you like without any pain or guilt associated.

So what is the take home from all this? Well if you use a fitness tracker be aware of the limits on accuracy. And if you are going to pick one up try one of the ones in the study that provided the truest record of calories burned. Either way know that caloric outputs are simply estimates and should not be used as tools to budget your nutritional consumption.

Chris [fb-like]